CrossFit Games Stats

 In Stuff We Say

Rich_fist-pump-300x265I read an article that broke down the movements from all Games competitions in the past couple of years.  Among many interesting statistical facts, it mentioned that Olympic lifts were worth about 20% of all events.  It also said that bodyweight movements were about 50%, but this is not terribly surprising as there are a wide variety of those movements.

Some of the games athlete use a Bulgarian-style weight lifting program (to increase Oly lifts and basic strength), which, by the way, is brutal, and most athletes train twice a day at least 3x a week (they still train 6 days typically, but  for some only half are 2-a-days- unbelievably lazy huh) .  The CrossFit games has evolved into a professional sport.  Many of the games athletes are bound full-time to a gym as either a professional athlete or a trainer.

After reading about the movements, I was curious about the performance stats on the CrossFit Games Athletes from last year.  On the CrossFit Games website, you can view a profile for all athletes.  In that profile they include max weights for the Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Deadlift and Back Squat.  In addition, you can see performance stats on Fran, Helen, Grace, Filthy 50, FGB, and the 400m and 5K runs.  I am sure that you have seen these or perhaps filled them out on your own profile.  Using a random number generator and an Excel spreadsheet, I randomly picked 10 of last year’s Games competitors and took an average of their performance stats, age, weight and height.

Though there is nothing average about a games competitor, here is what one might look like:

Snatch: 254
Clean and Jerk: 316
Deadlift: 514
Back Squat: 436
Max Pull-ups: 66
Fran: 2:16
Helen: 7:23
Grace: 1:37
Filthy 50: 16:47
FGB: 462
400m run: 1:02
5K: 20:07
Weight: 193
Height: 5’10”
Age: 29

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