WOD Levels

 In Stuff We Say

Hey Firebirds!

Games2012_CamilleLeblancBazinet_floater1_0We just wanted to point out that the three levels of WODs are now displayed on our website.

On the front page, you will see on the left most box a “Workout of the Day” box.  When you click on that it will take you to a page where you can see the XWOD (for the advanced and advanced-intermediate athletes), the IWOD (for intermediate athletes) and BWOD (for beginners).

We hope you find this a more convenient way to get familiar with your upcoming WOD.We are continuing to improve the way we display these WODs to include tabs like you see on the left—————————————->

We know these are perfect yet, but they will be soon.

What does all this have to do with Camille Leblanc-Bazinet?



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