Boxed In

 In Workouts of the Day (WODS)

Firebird CrossFit – All Levels


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


8 DB Step-up and Overs (50/25 lb.)

30 sec. DB Side Plank (R)

12 Box Jump Overs

30 sec. DB Side Plank (L)

AMRAP 15 min.

*2 DBs for Step-up and Overs

*1 DB for Plank held in T position


8 DB Step-up and Overs (35/20 lb.)

30 sec. DB Side Plank (R)

8 Box Jump Overs

30 sec. DB Side Plank (L)

AMRAP 15 min.

*2 DBs for Step-up and Overs

*1 DB for Plank held in T position


8 DB Step-up and Overs

30 sec. Side Plank (R)

8 Box Step Overs

30 sec. Side Plank (L)

AMRAP 15 min.

*2 DBs for Step-up and Overs

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