Coach Derek

    I’ve always enjoyed physical activity. Growing up in a small town in the White Mountains of Arizona, I learned to love sports specifically football, basketball, and track. That love carried into college where I played football and basketball. When this thing called “LIFE” made it hard to participate in competitive sports, CrossFit was introduced to me filling that space created. CrossFit has been a blessing in my life in so many ways. New community and friends, increased focus on overall fitness, constantly achieving new goals and personal records, and an overall increase in wellbeing. My day job is owning and operating an insurance brokerage in Gilbert, AZ. My best friend agreed to marry me 30 years ago, we have 3 grown children, and a Chihuahua named “George” (who may be found hanging out sometimes at the Box). “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you”.

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