Week Three Shopping List and Meals

 In Stuff We Say

xpaleopadthai1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.bvUD1lsuPGWe got back from Dallas on Sunday, so we had to plan our meals today.  This did not stop us from having a a super clean lunch; I went to Fry’s and got a roast chicken, a packet of fresh, microwavable green beans, some olives and strawberries.  It was fast and tasty- so NO EXCUSES!  I know that all of you are finally in the swing of things, but here is our week three shopping list and meal plan.

Grilled Chicken
Paleo Pad Thai: zucchini, fresh ginger, almond butter, fish sauce
Meatloaf: hamburger, canned diced tomatoes, mushrooms, walnuts, egg
Smashed Sweet Potatoes: sweet potatoes, canned coconut milk
Grilled Pork Chops
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
Broccoli and Cauliflower Salad
Reuben in a Bowl: corned beef, cabbage, tomato paste, mayo, capers
Havana Eggs: eggs, red pepper, onion, cilantro, tomato
Breakfast Casserole: eggs, ground pork, red pepper, broccoli, mushrooms
Fruit Salad: apples, pears, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, canned coconut milk, shredded coconut

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