life Jacket

 In Workouts of the Day (WODS)

Firebird CrossFit – All Levels


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)


Row for Calories

AMRAP 8 min.

Power Snatches for reps (95/65 lb.) (75/55 lb.)

AMRAP 8 min.

*Barbell cannot touch the ground

Assault Bike for Calories

AMRAP 8 min.

Squat Cleans for reps (95/65 lb.) (75/55 lb.)

AMRAP 8 min.

*Barbell cannot touch the ground when switching.


Row for Calories

AMRAP 8 min.

Power Snatches for reps

AMRAP 8 min.

*Barbell cannot touch the ground

Assault Bike for Calories

AMRAP 8 min.

Squat Cleans for reps

AMRAP 8 min.

*Barbell cannot touch the ground when switching.

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