
 In Stuff We Say

Games2013_Regionalspage_photo1The CrossFit Regionals began this past weekend and will continue until June 9th.  Our own region, The Southwest, will be May 31st to June 2nd.  The events for the Regionals are published as they are now the same for each region.  There are seven events for both the individual and teams.  Of the 17 regions each with the top 48 individual and top 30 teams from the open, only a maximum of three individuals and teams from each region will advance to the Games (some regions send less than top 3).

The competition is fierce.  Long time favorites are no longer sure-wins and there are new-comers shining throughout the regions.   True to CrossFit philosophy, those that are ahead overall rarely are stand-out winners of one event; they tend to place well in all events.  You can view a list of the Regional Events at the CrossFit Games site for both teams and individuals.

I found it interesting that some of the Regional Events for both team and individuals have a minimum work requirement.  This is different than a time cap.  The way that the events are scored is that if you do not finish by the time cap, you have a second added to your time for each movement left uncompleted (seems generous as I bet it would take more than 1 sec/movement).  Anyway, failure to finish by the time cap is not a DNF, but failure to meet the minimum work requirements is a DNF and disqualifies athletes from continuing to the next events.

The teams consist of 3 men and 3 women, and events vary on the number of team members that must participate. For the teams here are the minimum work requirements:

Event 2 (3 rep Max OHS)-
Minimum work requirement: 3 Overhead squats at opening weight per gender.

Event 3 (7 min of Burpee Muscle Ups)
Minimum work requirement: 6 reps per gender.

Event 6 (Chipper that includes HSPU)
Minimum work requirement: One Handstand push-up from each member.

The individuals also minimum work requirements to continue:

Event 2 (3 rep Max OHS)-
Minimum work requirement: 3 Overhead squats at opening weight

Event 3 (7 min of Burpee Muscle Ups)
Minimum work requirement: 3 reps

Event 6 (Chipper that includes HSPU)
Minimum work requirement: 25 handstand push-ups

All Regional’s competitors get to compete in all seven events (no cuts) as long as they make the minimum work requirements for the WODs. You can see coverage of the Regionals, and witness some spectacular performances (sub-six minute Jackies and 315 pound OHS) at the Crossfit Games site.

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