Stand Up

 In Workouts of the Day (WODS)


Get Out of the Box Event July 29th. Box Closed that day. We are Climbing Humphreys Peak. Come Join us for a hike up to the Highest Place in Arizona. Text me with Questions. Lyman

Firebird CrossFit – All Levels


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


25 Double-unders

10 DB Front-Rack Walking Lunges (50/35 lb.)

5 Get up Sit ups

AMRAP 5 min.

Rest 1 min.

3 rounds


25 Double-unders

10 DB Front-Rack Walking Lunges (35/25 lb.)

5 Get up Sit ups

AMRAP 5 min.

Rest 1 min.

3 rounds


50 Single Unders

10 DB Front-Rack Walking Lunges

5 Get up sit ups.

AMRAP 5 min.

Rest 1 min.

3 rounds

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